Black Pepper

Black pepper is a spice and is a very popular spice worldwide because of its vast usage in many food items. It’s benefits can be many as it contains various medicinal properties. It is used in many ayurvedic medicines from ancient times. Black peppercorns are fruits of plant flowering vine and flowering vine belong to Piperaceae family.

The flowering vine is a native plant of India but now it is growing in every tropical region. India, Vietnam, Brazil and China grow most black pepper of the world and these countries export it to other parts of the world. It is the most traded spice worldwide. It is commonly used in almost every country for cooking and to get the benefits of black pepper.

Benefits of Black Pepper

Antioxidant properties

Black pepper has excellent antioxidant properties, it can contribute to your health in many ways. Antioxidants fight the harmful germs and bacteria and strengthen the immune system. Piperine in black pepper can increase  the bio-availability of nutrients in foods and supplements.

Enhance digestion

It stimulates the entire digestive system, from the stomach to the intestines. It increases the production of all-important digestive juices such as bile and acids which help digest our food.

Black pepper reduce vitiligo

Vitiligo is a skin disease which causes the skin to lose its pigmentation from certain areas. When the skin starts losing its natural pigmentation, it turns white. There are various skin treatments this skin disease, but most of them involve the use of harsh chemicals. Many patients are now choosing it as a cure. According to researchers from London, piperine present in black pepper provides a natural alternative to chemical-based treatments.

Anti-inflammation & anti-bacterial properties

It can reduce inflammation therefore it’s an antibacterial, an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. Piperine is the major component which you can find in black pepper and it can effectively heal acute inflammation. A small amount of it can add so much benefit to your health and for all those fitness lovers. This is one the important spice that can help you lose fat quickly.

How to Use Black Pepper

Reduce body fat

Black pepper can break down fat cells into easily digestible components which the body can use to generate energy, the body can also use them for other functions. It prevents fat from settling down in an unhealthy manner such as getting stored in your belly and abdominal area. You can get benefits of black pepper in a various way like you can add it to your everyday meal or you can buy black pepper based fat loose supplement.

Relieves sore throat

If you are among those who easily get cough and cold during winters, here simple home remedy for you. You just need very basic ingredients for this home remedy, those are black pepper and honey. Honey is one of the best natural substance which can relieve and prevent cough, common cold and painful throat. Black pepper and honey makes a good combination with many benefits.

Black pepper is widely used to add flavor and taste to food, black pepper also acts as an effective natural substance to prevent cough and cold. This spice is full of many essential nutrients like minerals and antioxidants. You just need a few minutes to prepare this solution to relieve your throat. Take 100 ml water in a pan add two spoons of honey with one spoon black pepper powder in it. Heat this mixture for about 1-2 minutes, when mixture is lukewarm, put it in a glass and do gargles for about 2-3 minutes. This simple home remedy will reduce bacteria from your throat and will provide relief from the painful throat.

Black pepper improves skin

It is one of the best natural exfoliators which benefits the skin in many ways although don’t use it directly, mix a teaspoon of honey and curd with its powder. It also increases blood circulation, and supply more oxygen to the skin. Consuming it through your food can also unwanted unwarranted skin wrinkles. It is also known to reduce and cure vitiligo. Vitiligo is a condition where the skin loses pigmentation from certain areas and creates white patches.

Helps in digestion

It is helpful in digestion and when you consume black pepper, stomach release hydrochloric acid and bile, this helps in breaking down of proteins. The release of hydrochloric acid also helpful in cleaning intestines and prevents gastrointestinal diseases.
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