Saunf or Fennel seeds comes under a very aromatic herb. They are yellowish-green in colour and one grain of fennel is almost the same in size as a grain of rice. Fennel benefits are very great and are useful in the treatment of stomach bloating and constipation, fennel is also beneficial in keeping the blood pressure under control. It contains various vitamins and antioxidants.
Saunf is a common ingredient in many food recipes for enhancing the taste but at the time fennels also have many benefits and medicinal properties. Today, India is one of the biggest exporter of Fennel seeds worldwide.
Benefits of Fennel Seeds
Fennel treats anemia
Anemia is a medical condition in which you face deficiency of red blood cells and iron from the blood. It can make you feel tired and week. Anemia can be cured with regular consumption of fennel as it is rich in iron and amino acids.
Fennel benefits digestion
If you are having gastro and digestion related problems then fennel seeds could be very beneficial for you to improve digestion. If you consume them after meal then they can help in food digestion because components of fennel can trigger the production of enzymes and digestive juices in stomach. This helps to breakdown food and once the food is properly digested, it allows intestines to absorb maximum nutrients from it.
Acidity is a very common problem nowadays. It can be due to many reasons such as poor digestion and bad eating habits.
If you want to get rid of stomach acidity then fennel can be a really good remedy for you. It has components that can cool down your stomach and reduce symptoms of acidity such as heartburn and bloating. It is a very effective herb to reduce acidity and it is commonly consumed in India after heavy meals.
Regulates blood pressure
Fennel is very helpful in regulating normal blood pressure. Therefore it can be very useful for you to reduce high blood pressure. Chewing the seeds increase the production of nitrite which is very helpful to regulate normal blood pressure. Fennel seeds are also rich in potassium and potassium is very essential for heart and kidneys to work normally.
Prevents bad breathe
Bad breath is very common oral disease whose main cause is bacteria. Bad breath could be a very negative symbol on your overall personality. If you want to get rid of it then fennel can be your helping hand because it has a very strong aroma and it has anti-bacterial properties. It can kill bacteria which causes bad breathe. Also it reduces plaque formation in your teeth that will keep your teeth and gums healthy.
Fennel benefits for skin
If you want a healthy and glowing skin then these seeds could be very beneficial for you. Fennel seeds are rich in vitamins, calcium, selenium and zinc so regular consumption of it can nourish your skin with these essential nutrients. Zinc and calcium are very important for healthy skin and they are also very important for healthy hair. Nutrients present in saunf has a very cooling and soothing effect on the skin which promotes healthy and glowing skin.
Uses of Fennel
Great mouth freshener
Bad breath could be a curse on your personality if you are a regular working person who does office job or own business. Meeting many clients in a single day but never want your overall reputation to be ruined by bad breath. So, here are some quick home remedies which can help you to get rid of bad breath.
You can consume this mouth freshener after taking meals or whenever you need. It will refresh your mouth and reduce bad breath. You can even take this powder with you to your office or working place so you can consume it after regular intervals. This powder can be used as a very strong mouth freshener because it has combined benefits of cardamom and fennel seeds.
You also simply consume 1-2 teaspoon of fennel after a meal to get rid of bad breathe if you don’t have enough time to try other remedies. You can also buy ready to use based mouth fresheners from the market which you can consume instantly. Usually they are very cheap in price.
Can help reduce fat
Saunf seeds are rich in essential nutrients such as calcium, vitamins, phosphorus and iron. And it also helps you to reduce excessive body fat. Having low percentage of body fat (not too low) can be very healthy and it will prevent various diseases such as high blood pressure and heart disorders.
Fennel has diuretic properties which is good for digestion and improves metabolism. With regular intake of Fennel, you can achieve your fat loss goals. Here is an easy home remedy which you can try to get amazing health benefits. Roast some fennel seeds and grind them to make smooth powder. Consume 1-2 teaspoons powder with lukewarm warm on empty stomach daily and it will help you reach your fitness goals.
Side effects of Fennel
Fennel is a pretty safe herb to consume with minimum to no side effects but it is still recommended to pregnant and breast feeding ladies to consult doctor before starting fennel for any medicinal use. Overdose of fennel may cause stomach upset so one should consume it in suggested dose.
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