How do you make golden milk mixture?
Golden Milk Premix is basically a very healthy powder recipe. It contains so many interesting flavors which are enough to make you energize. A warm winter beverage. It is also known as golden milk. And here in India we call it masala haldi doodh or simply haldi doodh. This recipe is a mashup of healthy spices which really helps you in lot of things. It is a generations old recipe from India and Indian subcontinents.
People traditionally use it in India as a remedy against cold and other such illnesses. This recipe is mainly used for Immunity boosting which makes you strong. Nowadays golden milk recipe has a golden chance to fight against the diseases by increasing our immunity. The good thing is that it is so easy to make at home as almost all the ingredients are available in our kitchen. Moreover you can add it in both warm and cold milk.
What are the benefits of drinking it?
There are a lot of benefits that you can get from this. Golden Milk Premix contains
turmeric which helps a lot in healing wounds, is anti-allergic & anti-cancer. Moreover it is anti-viral and reduces blood sugar levels. It contains dried ginger powder which helps to cure indigestion. Also helps in sore throat and blood circulation. It has almonds which contains vitamin E, iron and protein.
This acts as an antioxidant and improves immune system. this premix recipe provides you a healthy brain, heart and strong bones. And it actually improves stomach digestion and leaves you with a lower risk of diseases. You can drink it everyday on an average of one cup in a day. This recipe golden milk works best in winter season and keeps the body warm. You can also try my
immunity boosting salad. So now let's make this wonderful immunity boosting recipe!